There are many reasons for trying to eat the right foods, and now doing well at work is another one. Workers in America are known to live sometimes hurried stressful lives. For many people the average work day consists of getting up and getting ready, facing rush hour traffic, doing a full day’s work and then doing the traffic thing again on the way home. It’s difficult for people to make the time to plan meals and make sure that what they eat is good for them. But times are changing, and people are starting to make the effort towards better nutrition.
With all the data that are now available on what we eat and how bad some of it is for us, we are now learning that eating poorly can also affect how well we do our jobs.
If you eat a whole lot of processed food that may not even be what you think it is, not only do your physical processes suffer, but also your mind and emotions. All this bad food leads to you not feeling well and that reflects on the work you do.
When you eat well, your feel well and it shows with the added energy and drive that you have throughout the day.
Just think about it, more than 70 percent of the calories Americans consume come from food that has undergone some kind of pre-processing. About 60 percent of Americans’ calories come from foods that contain artificial ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, synthetic trans-fat, preservatives and artificial sweeteners.
These things take their toll on the body and can deplete you of the energy you need to have a successful day at work. Do the research and start eating better. Do some planning instead of going for the quick convenience foods. All it takes is a little time start on your way to a healthier lifestyle.